
  1. These rules and regulations refer to short term rentals published at as well as on other on-line booking portals. By making a reservation and checking in, the Customer agrees to all rules and regulations written in this document.
  2. In order to book our apartaments you can either e-mail us: or call us: 0048 889 755 094. Reservations can also be done through on-line booking portals.
  3. By making a reservation the Customer completes a rental agreement with Marinus Apartments Agata Borys, on the grounds given in these regulations and according to the official pricelist.
  4. In order to confirm the reservation the down payment of 30% of a total stay price is obligatory - in case of a refundable offer, and the down payment of 100% of a total stay price – in case of a non-refundable offer.
  5. If the Customer resigns from the stay up to 14 days before planned arrival, in case of a refundable offer, full down payment is refunded. If the Customer cancels the booking after this term, the pre-payment is not refunded.
  6. In case of a non-refundable offer, if the Customer cancels the booking at any time, the payment is not refunded.
  7. The remaining payment amount, in case of a refundable offer, is to be paid upon arrival in cash or ba credit card.
  8. In case of COVID-19 circumstances, e.g.: special governmental guidelines or restrictions, closure of hotels/apartments, obligation of quarantine or guest’s positive coronavirus test result, our policy is flexible and we offer a free of charge change of your booking’s dates. In such case, the price paid for either refundable or non-refundable offer can be accounted for a stay in another, convenient time. In case the new stay shall take place in high season, the surcharge will have to be made.
  9. By the check in, the obligatory city tax for adult persons staying in Gdansk longer than 1 day is charged. The city tax has to be paid in cash. The amount of the city tax is calculated according to the length of the stay, number of guests and price confirmed by the Gdansk Town Hall for the particular calendar year.
  10. If the guest will terminate his stay before agreed time out of reasons that are independent from the apartment's management, the money paid for the total stay will not be paid back.
  11. By the check in also the security deposit of 500 pln per each rented apartment is required. The amount of the security deposit is pre-authorized on the guest’s credit card. After the guest’s departure and checking of the apartment, the pre-authorized amount is fully released. In case any damage occured, the guest’s credit card is charged. In particular cases the security deposit in cash is acceptable, but the back payment can only be done by the means of a bank transfer to the bank account confirmed by the Customer.
  12. The minimum possible time of renting our apartments is two days, unless the offer published on our Internet site or on any other on-line portal states different.
  13. Check in time is 15.00 and check out time is 11.00 on the day of your departure. It is possible to arrive or leave at a different time after having agreed it with the apartment's management.
  14. After having consulted it with our Staff, it is possible to self check-in.
  15. Arrivals in the time of 19.00-22.00 are charged with an extra fee of 100 pln. The possibility of check-in after 22.00 has to be always agreed with our Staff.
  16. In our apartment there is a night time silence from 22.00 to 06.00. Due to the fact that the apartment is situated in a tenant house with other inhabitants, if this rule shall be broken, an immediate termination of renting agreement may take place. The police may also be called in partcicular cases. The breach of the night time silence may also result in getting a fine of 200 zł - according to article 51, 1 of the offence code. Both apartament's guests and building's regular inhabitants may refer all incidents to the apartment's owner.
  17. The organisation of any parties that might breach peace and quiet of other inhabitants as well as an exaggerated alcohol consumption in the biulding is stricly prohibited.
  18. Smoking and candles burning is strictly prohibited in the whole apartment and building. If the customer shall break this rule, an extra fee of 500,00 pln may be charged.
  19. In our apartments we do not accept pets. If the customer shall break this rule, an extra fee of 500,00 pln may be charged.
  20. Our apartments are not a hotel, so we kindly ask you to clean the apartment generally after your stay. The general cleaning means: kitchen cleaning, washing the dishes, emptying the fridge, making the beds and putting used towels in one place in a bathroom. We also ask you to throw away the garbage and check if you have taken away all of your belongings. If the apartment shall be left in a very untidy status, an additional cleaning fee will be charged.
  21. The apartment's management is not responsible for any kind of loss or damage of money, documents or other personal/precious belongings of the guests. We ask you to keep the door locked at all times.
  22. Guests are fully responsible for any kind of damage, brakeage or lack of apartemnt's equipment or technical appliances. If any kind of damagde occurs, the apartment's owner should be informed immediately.
  23. Please do not use the towels for removing your make up or for cleaning your shoes. In case the towels will be significantly dirted and therefore unwashable, we will charge 30 pln for one towel.
  24. We ask you to look after the apartment's key and gate's remote controller, if such has been provided. In case they are lost, it is charged extra 300 pln.
  25. Guests are not allowed to subrent the apartment and pass the apartment's keys to any third parties.
  26. People visiting the apartment's guests are asked to leave the apartment until 22.00.
  27. In case apartment's owner shall be informed by other building's inhabitants that any of the above given clauses have been breached, the guests have to be aware that the renting agreement might be immmediately terminated without paying back of price paid.
  28. The apartment’s management will do their best to offer you best possible service.
  29. By the check in, we ask for:

- personal ID

- signing of our rental agreement and finalizing the payment, if such has not been done before

- pre-authorization on the guest’s credit card of 400 pln as a security deposit

After that, the apartment is being presented to the guests and keys are being given.

  1. There is a fee of 100 pln for the final cleaning.



Your reservation is guaranteed after having received the required down payment in the amount and time required and shown in the details of your booking confirmation on our Internet site, on other on-line booking portal or in the e-mail booking confirmation.

  1. If the required prepayment shall not be booked on our account in the time required, it will automatically result in cancellation of the reservation.
  2. Cancellation or change of the reservation is possible through the link included in the reservation e-mail or by contacting our Staff. Using a link included in the confirmation e-mail enables an automatic, immediate cancellation of the reservation. The possibilty of reservation cancellation and possible refund are dependant on the type of offer booked by the Customer.
  3. If the guest won’t stay at our apartments until the end of the booked period of time, the refund is not forseen.

Customer making a reservation takes full responsibility for the correctness of data given in the reservation form.

Marinus Apartments do not take any responsibility for improper choise of dates of planned stay or incorrect data in the reservation form.

If you need to introduce any changes to your reservation, please contact our Staff.

Contact data can be found in our Contact section.



Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (dalej jako „Rozporządzenie”) informuję, iż:

  • administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest Marinus Apartments Agata Borys,

dane kontaktowe: ul. Chmielna 71/20, 80-748 Gdańsk, ;

2) Pani/Pana dane osobowe przetwarzane będą:

  1. w celu realizacji umowy najmu apartamentu na okres krótkoterminowy (tj. na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b Rozporządzenia), na podstawie dokonanej dobrowolnie przez Panią/Pana rezerwacji za pośrednictwem portalu rezerwacji on-line;
  2. Pani/Pana dane osobowe będą również przetwarzane w prawnie uzasadnionym interesie administratora, na potrzeby ewentualnej konieczności ustalenia, dochodzenia i egzekucji roszczeń oraz obrony przed roszczeniami w postępowaniach przed sądami i innymi organami państwowymi (tj. na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f Rozporządzenia);
  3. na potrzeby prowadzenia dokumentacji księgowej i podatkowej, w celu wypełnienia obowiązku prawnego ciążącego na administratorze (tj. na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. c Rozporządzenia).

3) odbiorcą Pani/Pana danych osobowych będą:

  1. dostawca systemu rezerwacji on-line – aplikacji IdoSell Booking - IAI S.A. z siedzibą przy al. Piastów 30, 70-064 Szczecin
  2. licencjonowane biuro rachunkowe Soprano Sp. z o.o., 81-837 Sopot, ul. Andersa 3/20.

4) Pani/Pana dane osobowe nie będą przekazywane do państwa trzeciego lub organizacji międzynarodowej;

5) w każdej chwili może Pani/Pan uzyskać kopię swoich danych osobowych przekazywanych p. Agacie Borys, ul. Chmielna 71/20, 80-748 Gdańsk poprzez zgłoszenie wniosku w tym przedmiocie na adres e-mail;

6) Pani/Pana dane osobowe będą przechowywane przez okres obligatoryjny, wskazany przepisami prawa podatkowego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, tj. maksymalnie do lat siedmiu od dnia zakończenia stosunku najmu. Po upływie okresu wskazanego w zdaniu poprzednim dane zostaną trwale usunięte.

7) posiada Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz prawo ich sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a w razie przetwarzania danych na podstawie zgody - prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem. Niniejsze uprawnienia może Pani/Pan realizować poprzez zgłoszenie wniosku w tym przedmiocie na adres e-mail;

8) ma Pani/Pan prawo wniesienia skargi do Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych, a od czasu jego powołania – Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, gdy uzna Pani/Pan, iż przetwarzanie danych osobowych Pani/Pana dotyczących narusza przepisy Rozporządzenia;

9) podanie przez Panią/Pana danych osobowych jest niezbędne do zawarcia umowy najmu. Jest Pan/Pani zobowiązana do ich podania a konsekwencją niepodania danych osobowych będzie nie zawarcie umowy najmu.